The climbing professions

Hello everyone! Everyone dreams of living with their passion. Climbing offers a multitude of jobs. As room manager or salesman. Today I will introduce you to some trades related to climbing. Room Manager To open your climbing room you do not need a special diploma. In revenge, if one wants to give courses one needs... Continue Reading →

Rock-climbing in the movies

Hello everybody ! Today, we are going to talk cinema. Impossible Mission 2 Everyone knows this scene. At the beginning of the movie, Tom Cruise climbs a cliff with bare hands. It should be known that for this scene, the director was very scared. Indeed, the actor wanted to do the scene himself without any... Continue Reading →

7 Small Tips

Hello everyone! Today, I will give you 7 tips for beginners. How to climb better? How to be better? This is the question many climbers ask themselves. 1. We must warm up! You'll tell me it's obvious. But a large number of people heats up badly or not at all. 2. Climb with a friend! Climbing... Continue Reading →

The French Spiderman

Hello everybody, Today, I'm going to talk about a climber a bit special. He is well known by the general public for his exploits: Alain Robert !!! What? You do not know who he is? Aaaaah, maybe you know him by another name: the French Spiderman !!! So, Alain Robert aka the French Spiderman is... Continue Reading →

Originals climbing walls

Rock climbing is an increasingly popular sport. There are many rooms that open. To stand out, some companies need to innovate. That's why we can now climb churches or dams. Today, I will present some original places to climb and have fun. Diga del Luzzone This dam is the longest artificial climbing wall in the... Continue Reading →

Hold type

Hello everybody! There are 7 types of hold. 1) Jugs The bins are easy to hold. They are tall and tall. Just put your hand inside and hold it. It is best to keep your arms straight to save energy or rest. Little tip: You can hold on with both hands and mount your feet... Continue Reading →


Hello everyone! For 2 years, I practice climbing. The discipline I prefer is the bouldering. I regularly climb Arkose Massy. I discovered climbing in college. I did 2 years before stopping. I then went back to school for a year. I resumed climbing two years ago. A colleague invited me to do a climbing session.... Continue Reading →

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